EWALD is an open-source software that implements 3 optical diffraction tomography reconstruction algorithms, all based on Fourier Diffraction Theorem (FDT): (1) DI (Direct Inversion), GP (Gerchberg-Papoulis algorithm) and GPSC (Gerchberg-Papoulis with total-variation-based object-support constraint). It is dedicated for investigation of biological and technical samples, like cells, bacterias, optical fibers etc.
EWALD is a flexible software that allows:
- reconstruction of data in transmission and reflection mode, or both
- reconstruction of data captured with single or multiple wavelengths
- reconstruction of data captured in „limited angle” configuration (angular scanning of the laser beam with stationary sample and camera)
- reconstruction of data captured with stationary laser beam and a camera, with rotating sample.
You can find EWALD on GitHub.
Examples of images with tomographic reconstructions calculated with EWALD: