The aim of the TEAM-TECH programme is to improve human potential in the R&D sector in team projects pursued by scientists (regardless of nationality) having outstanding experience in implementing the results of scientific research in economic practice, or in providing research services or operating research equipment for corporate customers.
Eligible applicants are those researchers (regardless of nationality) who have at least a PhD degree as well as research or commercialisation experience confirmed by international achievements, who intend to include young researchers – students, PhD students or young doctors (postdocs) – in their team.
Projects lasting up to 36 months will be financed under the programme. The project budget is recommended not to exceed PLN 3,500,000.
Projects under the programme can be implemented in one of three options:
- by research units to the extent to which they do not conduct economic activity (without granting state aid),
- by enterprises (pursuant to the principles of granting state aid for R&D activity),
- by scientific-industrial consortia consisting of one research unit and one enterprise (for the research unit: without state aid, to the extent, to which it does not conduct economic activity; for the enterprise, pursuant to the principles of granting state aid for R&D activities).
In the case of research units, the participation of at least one business partner is mandatory in the TEAM-TECH programme.
Projects to be carried out under the TEAM-TECH programme should involve R&D work on a new product or production process (technological or manufacturing) of significant importance for the economy. The Team Tech project shall be based on an identified product, technology or market of recipients of the given product or technology. In subsequent editions of the programme, candidates may also submit applications whose aim is to set up teams to work in research services using available equipment, in the form of a core facility.
Support under the programme should enable researcher at the start of their scientific careers, namely students, PhD students and young doctors (postdocs), to gain experience in conducting R&D work in a project serving to develop a technology, process or innovative product.
The recipients of the results will include companies operating in Poland.
The project is realised by Foundation of Polish Science, co-financed with the support of the European Union, Regional Development Fund.
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