Visit in Nanjing!

In October Wojciech Krauze and Piotr Zdańkowski from QCIlab visited Nanjing University of Science and Technology and the group of prof. Chao Zuo. During the visit at the University they gave seminar talks. Also, they participated in „6th Conference on Frontiers in Optical Imaging and Detecting Technology and Application” where they gave invited talks and „The 2nd China-CEEC Conference on Technology Cooperation and Exchange”. It was a great time and we hope that this visit will open new possibilities to cooperate!

New paper!

Our collegue Martyna Mazur works on dedicated segmentation algorythms for optical diffraction tomography. If you are interested, read more HERE.

Waves in Complex Media Summer School

Martyna Mazur, our PhD student took part in Waves in Complex Media Summer School in Les Houches Physics School, Chamonix Mont Blanc Valley, France organized by La Société française d’optique. During the school she was learning about wave transport, imaging, control of waves in complex media and atomic physics.

New paper!

We continue to push the limits of what can be manufactured in order to perform metrology on our phase measurement systems. Read more here

SPIE Optical Metrology 2023

Meeting with Bjoern Kemper at World of Photonics Trade Fair in Munich

Two of our colleagues attended SPIE Optical Metrology 2023 conference, held on 26-29 June in Munich, Germany.

Michał Gontarz (on the left in the photo) presented a paper entitled „Deep learning-based phase unwrapping for holographic tomography

Arkadiusz Kuś (in the middle of the photo) presented a paper entitled „Single-shot polarization phase shifting interferometry applied to studying ampicillin diffusion through Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm

Welcome reception

Visit of Kiran Padmanabhan at WUT!

From left: Paulina Laskowska, Maria Baczewska, Wojciech Krauze, Małgorzata Kujawińska, Kiran Padmanabhan, Michał Ziemczonok.

In July we hosted Kiran Padmanabhan from ENS Lyon (Kiran Padmanabhan (@clocklab_IGFL) / Twitter), our partner in H2020 REVEAL project. During his 1 week visit, we performed multiple measurement sessions of biological cells using optical tomography and terahertz spectroscopy systems. Thanks Kiran for the great time!

Prestigious national award for Michał Ziemczonok

Michał Ziemczonok received prestigious scholarship of the Minister of Education and Science for outstanding young scientists. This is a second national award in 2023 for Michał! Congratulations!

Our team colleague with prestigious award!

Michał Ziemczonok, our team member, won prestigious FNP START scholarship for outstanding young researchers at the beginning of their scientific careers with a proven track record in their field of research. Congratulations!

New paper alert!


There is new work about phase unwrapping using deep learning in holographic tomography, if you are interested, check here!

Our colleague with PhD title!

Our colleague Piotr Stępień, a former member of our team, in June this year defended his doctoral thesis and received his doctoral degree. Big congratulations!