Tech-Athon 2023 „Engineers for Society”

przez | 28 maja, 2023

Our team members with their QPI4MED project won 1st price on Tech-Athon 2023 „Engineers for Society” !

The Warsaw University of Technology’s CEZAMAT Center for Advanced Materials and Technology hosted the finale of the Tech-Athon 2023 „Engineers for Society” event on the weekend of May 26-28. The event was organized by the PW Doctoral School, the PW Innovation Center and the PW CEZAMAT.

Tech-Athon 2023 is an event where teams, consisting of Warsaw University of Technology doctoral students and invited guests, develop concepts for innovative technological solutions with implementation potential, and then consult their ideas with mentors and present them in the form of pitching before a competitive jury. In this edition, the teams presented solutions in the fields of biomedical engineering, photonic technologies, cyber security and data analysis, and energy storage and conversion.

Proposed project is a combination of digital microscopy holography – a non-invasive, quantitative imaging technique and an intuitive tool for monitoring the status of white lymphocytes during cellular immunotherapy. The approach addresses the need for non-invasive, rapid and inexpensive monitoring of personalized therapy CAR-T. Compared to competing solutions, the offer consist of a specialized tool based on an intuitive application that will make the analysis of results will become simpler, faster and will not require experience of optics and photonics.


Martyna Mazur

Maria Baczewska

Paulina Laskowska (Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion)

Michał Gontarz

Michał Ziemczonok

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